Apr 7, 2021Liked by Heather Havrilesky

Oh jesus god- THANK YOU- for being able to pull the thread of the things I've been struggling with for decades, that so few people ever talk about, and then somehow phrasing and addressing it in a way that actually gets thorough. I'm getting a real lesson in FEELINGS right now. The wave is currently pummeling me into the sand, and I'm having a hell of a time not resisting or seeing that there could be any joy on the other side. But this, it helps.

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Apr 10, 2021Liked by Heather Havrilesky

I wanted to say, i immediately subscribed after reading the latest on your column about a heartbroken woman in a relationship with a “pet rock”. I recently got out of a 6.5 year relationship with someone like that but also someone who berated me and was emotionally violent in order to keep me not curious when he was away and then ponder “why aren’t you more exciting” when he came back for his fill. Anyway, i digress. Your response felt like a personal letter. Even this post in all its details feels like it’s speaking directly to me. You have a way with words. The last bit in your column to keep singing in the shower brought me to tears. I used to sing everyday since i was 3 years old until my last relationship. He would often tell me to shut up or that i was annoying him as he laid on my bed answering emails in the apartment only i paid for. These past few months have been a journey back to myself and I’m happy to have found people like you in the world as fellow travelers. Thank you!

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I'm thrilled to hear this, and I'm so happy for you, that you got out and you're feeling good and inspired. When you finally emerge from a terribly corrosive relationship, it's almost like you can taste new flavors and see new colors again. I have very fond memories of one specific time in my life that was like that, after I moved out from living with a similarly control-fixated man. I remember standing in the middle of my new apartment, jumping up and down for joy. It was me alone, and it felt so good. I stayed inside that ecstatic feeling for a long time, and it fed so many new friendships and new projects. I hope you can tap into the intense positive energy of this moment and use it to give yourself all of the compassion you've been missing. That will feel so unfamiliar at first. Just remember that the kinder you are to yourself, the kinder you'll be to the rest of the world. I'm excited for you! Thank you, again, for this very nice post, it's so appreciated. xo

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Apr 7, 2021Liked by Heather Havrilesky

This is fucking amazing. Thank you!!!

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I remember reading this way back when, and it was worth the reread. As someone who lived in their head for a long time because being in a full-of-feelings body felt overwhelming, confusing, and contradictory, it's taken me a long time to put my face in the water. A situation a few years ago gave me a wake up call about how ineffective my dog paddling was. I tried putting my face in more, but I also became more thrashy and fearful in different ways lol. Ready to take a slow leap under. Thank you.

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