Thank you all for your kind words, and thank you for your response, Heather. I am sitting on my floor right now crying and laughing and talking to myself out loud. Every time I read some bullshit music marketing thing it talks about knowing your audience, and when I imagine my ideal audience, I imagine this community. The fact that you’re listening to my song and you like it??? I feel like I’m in the middle of a very good dream and I want to stay asleep! I will cherish this letter and these comments forever. Thank you!

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Your song is just beautiful!

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Thank you so much!

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I LOVE your song and your voice!!!! So beautiful...

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Good lord, you have a beautiful voice, and this is a beautiful song. If I may ask (and you needn't answer this question if you don't want), how did you go about recording it? Did you multitrack the instruments, record with a band in a room with everybody playing at the same time, use simulators/preamp settings in your recording platform, or something else that I'm not describing (because I admittedly may have just pulled words out to describe things and used said words incorrectly)? I'm trying to write my own music again (read: fulfill the promises I've made aloud to myself and others, but feel too embarrassed/exhausted/self-critical to actually act on despite having a lot of really nice and expensive musical equipment at an arms reach) and am just curious how someone who seemed to struggle with some of the similar embarrassment as me just went about it.

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Thank you so much! I'm more than happy to talk about this -- it was the most daunting part of it all. I began with hopes of recording and producing myself. I bought a mic, audio interface, etc., but I just couldn't really capture sounds that I liked (especially when it came to my voice). One night I played out at a songwriter's night and met a woman who seemed to have a similar vibe and sound to me. I went home and listened to a song she had just released and I really liked the way it sounded. I asked her who produced it and she gave me the contact info to a local guy here. I was very adamant that I didn't want to work with a straight white dude, but unfortunately/fortunately fate led me to this man lol. He's really young and starting out and even though I'm almost 40, I'm just starting out, and we clicked right away. I sent him some references of songs I liked and we worked together on an arrangement. He's a great musician and he played pretty much everything except drums, which we hired another guy to do. Everything was recorded in isolation and then he mixed/mastered it all. It was really scary to trust someone else with my music, but it intuitively felt right so I went for it. The main thing for me is that he genuinely seemed to like the song and my voice. I also felt like he genuinely wanted it to sound as good as possible. I have a complex where I always think people are pitying me/secretly hate me and I never got that feeling from him. I hope this makes sense! I'm happy to chat more.

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This absolutely makes sense, thank you so much for sharing! Glad you were able to find someone you vibed with and could play instruments as well as record and produce the instrumental tracks. I've been fortunate on my end with that in the past (used to play in a band, and recorded an EP with a friend who runs an incredible studio and plays in a band of note I love), and I theoretically could do that again, but it's obviously very expensive and I'd like to figure out how to translate the sounds in my head more seamlessly without feeling dependent on other people (which was also a crutch for a long time -- this thought that I could only do it with the right people, in the right band, with the right amount of give-and-take). But, it's cool to hear your own story of finding someone to help you bring your desired sounds to life. I'll definitely reach out if/when I have more questions :)

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It sounds like you have way more skills and experience than me lol. I am lucky I found this guy since he’s just starting out so he doesn’t charge that much. It’s still expensive though! Im usually someone who self-isolates and prefers to work alone too. I’ve had so many shitty experiences collaborating with people to the point I’ve thought that I’m incapable of it. I think it’s awesome you’re trying yo figure it all out yourself and it sounds like you have the tools and skills you need to do it. I’d love to hear what you’re working on when you’re ready to share ❤️

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Lol, I wouldn’t say I have more of either than you persee, I’m just lucky to know people who make a living out of this. Credit to some years of soul searching that led me to meet as many musicians as I could. Thanks for the kind words, and for the inspiration to keep going by way of you sharing your own story and writing in to Ask Polly in the first place! I’m so excited to see where you go next, and I’ll lyk when I’m ready to put the material out there :)

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Hello WHAT. my name is Robin, I’m trying to learn how to make music, today is my birthday, and her first song, that she released today, is called Robins. And I love it!

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So amazing. SERENDIPITY!

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!!!! <3 this song and Linda's voice is so .... just wonderful, like, play-it-on-repeat good.

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ahhh thank you so much!

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"I need to learn some new skills with an open heart." Oohh I love this line. Yes! This is how I've been living my life for the last few years and it's been transformative for me! l've taken up woodworking and designing mechanical toys, I cook gourmet stuff now, I can put up shelves that are level and sturdy, I enjoy doing laundry just so that I can fold clothes in satisfying geometric shapes, I have researched my family back to the time they were freed from slavery! I've even learned how to read Korean! I am ADDICTED to learning new skills with an open heart. So exhilarating!

Also, Linda, if you see this, I LOVE your song with starry heart eyes. It's beautiful! I love the storytelling in it. I've listened to it 3 times already. I think there's so much room in this world for your voice and I'm so glad you decided to share it.

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This makes me so happy. I love how you are exploring so many different things! I bet your house is so happy. and thank you so much for listening!!

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I remember the original letter - and how much I related to it. I also was into music as a girl, singing and playing instruments until I too became "lost" in other people and ashamed of my inadequacies and what i thought a lack of creativity. Only in the last couple of years I've given myself the privacy and time to pursue creating music and it's filled a hole I didn't even know was capable of being filled. I create just for me, and not yet even ready to show anyone else. But it feels so good. And I feel really inspired by Linda's song to finally finish some of my projects and share with people I care about.

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This makes me so happy. I never thought I would share my music either, but somehow it happened. I'd love to hear your music when you're ready to share!

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Good job!!! :-D

I released some music this year too, on my 40th birthday, with one of my best friends who is also a mom. It's an album of gothy chip tunes folk music.🖤 It has the most embarrassing, unhinged crone version of "You are my Sunshine", and other feminine horror.


You can also search "Synth Widow" on music streaming services.

We had actually recorded it several years ago but were too embarrassed to release it. So THANK YOU dear LW, because your letter, and Polly's reply, and everyone's kind Substack comments helped us get there.

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Dude i LOVE this

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I just listened to your music and I really dig it — especially the unhinged crone version of you are my sunshine haha. I had no idea chip tune was a genre of music. I’m excited to share with my 10 year old. He has always been obsessed with video game music. Every time he gets a new game he mainly wants to talk about the music in it. Thank you for sharing!

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Yay, I'm so glad you like it! You can tell your son that we programmed all the music on a Nintendo DS. :-)

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I played it for him and told him that you programmed the music on a DS and his eyes got big. His interest is very piqued. You may have planted an important musical seed for him!

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AHHH this is such a wonderful story. Absolutely lovely voice, lovely song ♥️

"So trust your eyes / and realize / you have all you need."

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thank you so much! I think this is also my favorite line :)

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This song is so beautiful! Her sound reminds me of Kacey Musgraves. I love this so much. Thank you for sharing, Heather!

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thank you so much! my friend who produced it figured out the "vocal chain" (I'm not totally sure what this is lol) they used on Kacey's voice on Golden Hour and used it on my voice. I am totally flattered by the comparison :)

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Loved “Foreverland” !! And perfect timing for this letter! My parallel universe! Currently enjoying a hot bath and a first coffee I’ve had by myself in 7 years after seeing my two Girls off to first time Kindergarten and first day of 2nd grade.

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YAY!! This is incredibly inspiring, Linda and Polly. Linda, the song is so gorgeous. It reminds me of Neko Case, whom I love, but sweeter, more open-hearted and hopeful. I can't believe that in only a year from feeling embarrassed by your dream, you just made it happen. I related a lot to the original letter, too -- and now I just need to find a way to relate to your update.

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Omg I feel seen!!! Neko Case is one of my all time favorites. What a model of someone doing whatever the fuck they want. I might need to add your quote to my bio lol. The highest of praise!!

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Linda, your voice is amazing! Reminds me a lot of Kacey Musgraves, so beautiful and clear. This was so wonderful to read this morning. Thank you the inspiration.

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Thank you so much. A huge compliment!

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Oh my Goodness, I LOVE this song so muchhhh. I've been listening "Robins" on repeat!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the chord progression, too good, please continue to share your incredible music with the world. People don't make music like this anymore, so heartfelt and pure, brings me back to a time long forgotten. I'm a fellow musician facing similar battles and my heart goes out to you <3 Please keep making music, you've got yourself a new fan Linda <3

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I think I need to frame this comment and put it beside my desk. Thank you so, so much. I'd love to hear your music too!

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Linda, this song is SO BEAUTIFUL and I really needed it today. CONGRATS.

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Thank you so much for listening!

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Bravo, Linda!

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Thank you!

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What an incredible song!!! I love it so much, I actually listened to it the whole way through, which is rare for my ADD brain. Your voice is beautiful. Keep creating! Yay, LW!!!! <3 <3

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A huge compliment. Thank you!

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Lindsay, what talent!!! Just wow.

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Thank you!!

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