The original response actually speaks to me hugely about how I was parented - by an enmeshed, boundaryless, and also highly traumatised mom, who just thought that access to (and control of) all my thoughts and feelings was the best way to keep me safe. I really appreciate how the earlier response brought up a lot of stuff that was just hanging out in my subconscious.

The follow-up gives me hope that I can reset my relationship with my mom - and by extension my relationship with myself, since she and I were effectively one self for the greater part of thirty years. (She is actually a wonderful person! She just needs to figure out where she stops and I begin.) I grew a little allergic to her for awhile, because I needed to carve out some space without her relentless presence in my head, but maybe it's time to go back to her with the confidence that I know how to stand my ground (and identify and isolate, with compassion, the things about her that trigger me).

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I love this letter so much-- so beautiful and imperfect, colorful just like how we are as humans!!

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What a joy to read! I do hope we get more updates like this - so many letters have me wondering. Happy for OP!

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Thanks for updating us GMMOOMH! (Did anyone else read this as guh-moom-uh? No? Just me? 😅)

>After band practice or a gig, I feel so ALIVE and COMPLETE.

I love this so much. I hope this continues to fuel you for the rest of your life. ❤️

>Sensitive, intense, thoughtful humans want a lot from life, so much that it hurts. We want so much that we avoid knowing how much we want. And when we avoid and avoid and avoid, living in fear of our true desires, we become misaligned with our true natures — and with nature itself, for matter.

Why you gotta call me out like this Heather 😭

>When you trust yourself — even in this moment, even right now, through a haze of worries and fears — you become more brilliant, more kind, more relaxed, and more full of love.

Thank you as always for the reminder!

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I will need proof you don't somehow listen in on my therapy session too once again this is so so helpful for what I am working on right now.

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god I love these letters! SO SPOT ON! Thanks so much GMMOOMH and Polly!

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The more you heal your relationship with yourself, and dare to trust your own heart, the more clearly you can see that your love is built to transform the world.

I love this! So hopeful ;-)

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This is the exact quote I restacked. Such a great reminder right?!

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Just restacked myself!! Great minds!

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love this!! Bookmarking for review when I need a boost. It reminds me that work I've done on myself over the years has positively impacted my relationships with my family of origin. Sometimes it's easy to forget but this letter reminds me to reflect. Also to paint more often.

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Your writing is divine. What a gift 🎁 x

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it's the originality of it all for me. thank you for this amazing piece

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There are two completely different issues presented in this letter. First issue - my Mom gives bad advice! Second issue - how can I find my soulmate?

Regarding only the second issue, I wonder if this is simply an Engineering problem? In other words, to find your soulmate, plot a grid (where your soulmate might be) and then search it. Select a grid with numerous possibly candidates. How will you access these candidates? Then ask tough questions of your candidates and do this expeditiously; quickly eliminate all duds! Keep searching; improving your tactics. Large numbers are in your favor.

I absolutely agree with Dad. You can do this! Best wishes to you!

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